Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Garden

There is something about being outside and working in the dirt that I just love. Working on the garden this year and I am really excited about growing food that I will be able to cook with later. The sweet smell of wet earth warming in the sun and watching the seedlings coming up. This is the first year of true gardening for me. It reminds me of my great grandfather who had a garden every year. When we would go to see them in the summer he would have the best veggies for a tomato sandwich that tasted like the sun. He was always in the yard or garden working even when the Alzheimer's had taken most of him way. His love of the outdoors remained. Last weekend when I was tilling the garden with a shovel I couldn't stop thinking about him and his passion for living and growing things. It just goes to show that there is something so deep within us that connects to something bigger then ourselves when we are surrounded by nature.

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